Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Title of My Last Post Goes Here.

So I suppose with the animation done, this will be the last post that I will make. I hope that you have enjoyed watching my progress these last 10 weeks. Be sure to check out my other blog for some arts and stuff.
Alex Barrella.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm all done with my little animation! I'll upload it sometime thursday.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Status Report

Currently I'm just under 4 minutes into production. This Puts me on my handy finishmometer right about :
Here are some stills:

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Only Prayer: Candle With Pear.

So I got farther into my third minute over the weekend. I need to flesh out my Dreamy sequence a little more, to figure out how to get him from laying on the floor to the warehouse where (the sequence) ends. Animating is much easier when you're using stills, so hopefully this minute will be done quickly.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sir, I need just two minutes of your time.

I've now reached the 2 minute (rough to semi polished animation) milestone.
If I had a progress bar, it would look something like this:

Monday, February 16, 2009

Leaps and Bounds

Working over the weekend, I am just now reaching second 100 on my animation.
here are some more production shots:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bars, Steps and Walls.

So far I've got just over a minute of rough animation. which includes some animated guitar strings, a breaking shot glass, and climbing steps and walls. I'm starting to get into the groove of drawing the cat now.
Here are some stills from thus far:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Progress Update

This weekend I started working on the actual animation. So far I've got 49 seconds roughed out, hopefully putting me on schedule so far!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I threw this together last night so I can get started right away on the actual animation.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cat Designs

Here are some designs I've been working on for the suicide cat.

I decided on the brown cat with the tuft of hair and the fluffy tail for my character, so expect to see a lot of it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Premise Expansion

I've been bouncing ideas off the inside of my head while listening to the song my final animation is set to (Last Hour by Extreme) and I've come up with a few new things I can share.
I already laid out the premise of cat killing itself repeatedly and generally just going down a path of self destruction. Some added concepts are each of the 9 cat-ghosts building up a full band over the course of the movie, so it would end with an almost full ensemble of cat ghosts rocking out on their little instruments by the last lives.
Just some set pieces:
-Death situations: jumping off of top of tall building, gun to the head, violin(tennis racket?) factory, hanging (with idea put in the cats head by one of those inspirational 'hang in there' posters).
-Cat ghost totally shredding a guitar solo on a harp.
-Beginning fools viewer into thinking a street performer is singing the song, is soon reviled to be the cat.
Because the song is such a long one (5 minutes), a simple art style will be needed and the pacing of animation will be pretty slow. This does however tie in with the somber nature of the song.

In other pre-production news, I've been drawing lots and lots of sad cats. I've got a basic idea of what I want but I'm still tweaking those, I can post some sketches online later tonight.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lip Sync

Lip sync test from in-class. Minus sounds but plus spiderwebs.

He's got it bad. He's hot for jinkys.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Walk Cycle

Here is a slightly annoyed looking guy walking in circles.
Men never ask for directions am I right ladies?

Friday, January 23, 2009


Rotorscoping exercise one: Walk cycle of a man in darkness. 
He appears to have someone on his tail.
I hope he knows there's someone behind him.

Rotoscoping exercise two: Louie Louie.

Cut Out Animation

Cutout exercise number one: Freaky clown-spring guy overcoming great hardships and jumping several feet. What a feat!

Cutout exercise two: Doe, a deer, a boxing deer. 

Ball Bounce

Here is my bouncing ball, complete with surreal background.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Doodle Blog

I added another blog for flash drawings unrelated to any
projects but that are done in class. Hopefully this will keep 
this blog to actual projects/production stuff while still being 
able to share the little shreds of flash art that I do between
actual classwork. Anyway, the link is on the right menu bar.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Current

Over the last week I've been working on the premise and character design for the final animation assignment. So far the idea is an animated music video of sorts to prepare me for my senior project which also is a music video.
The concept is a cat, grief stricken over the loss of the love of his life, committing suicide (which naturally has to be done 9 times before it takes). The piece will be lighthearted for the subject matter, with black humor arising from the futility of cat suicide and cartoon antics.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Here are some illustrations that I enjoy viewing
(They're thumbnails so click for the full thing):

Lane Smith:

Mo Williams:

Dave Kelly:

Francesco Marciuliano:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Favorite Animation

Swing You Sinners

This is my very very favorite animation. It's classic 1930 Fleischer Studio work. The reason it is my favorite is the creativity that is in every frame, character, background and action. It is very frantic, funny, surreal and jive.


My name is Alex Barrella and I am an animation student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. My hometown is Chapel Hill (North Carolina). I run a website at which I update almost every 3 years. Some of my favorite things are:
The Internet.
Fine foods.
Plastic Instruments.
Funny Pages.
Puppy Dogs.
Containment Lines.
and several other things.
I am mostly experienced with flash based animation and I'm looking forward to using my skills to create more traditional style animation using computers.